Tuesday 6 March 2007

An unexplored run

In my first year I drove through a ford behind my university halls and thought (I wonder where this river leads)… I couldn’t find any guides or information on it and couldn’t find anyone around that had run it… For all I knew It could have been anything from grade 1 to 6. It’s a Ditch and I knew It would need allot of water to get it going but one day after a quick trip down one of my local runs it rained allot... we found it in condition and ready to go!

I expected the river to pick up somewhere as it starts on top of quite a high hill however I was treated to a steady gradient of grade 1/2 . It was still a nice run though there where some really pretty bridges and a really nice little tunnel.

If it wasn’t so tree choked (4 portages) then it would be a lovely river to take the girlfriend down…. In fact… I may just take her down it anyway


Boating with me where Alister and "Doggystyle" Dave, The strawbery blond brigade of Bangor university canoe club